Hechtia Rosea

Posted: September 23, 2012 in Bromeliads, Bromeliaholic, Desert gardening, Plants
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Hey Y’all!  Was hoping to post a pic of my H. Rosea this morning because I noticed it has started to pup, but I had to run errands w/ my Partner all day.  At least I grabbed a pic of it so I can post it now…

Pups coming out around base—YAY!

Hechtia Rosea is a very interesting species, because not only does the foliage flush a rose-tone to deep wine (depending on how much light it is getting and also how much it is being watered.), but when it blooms, the flower bract is rose and the flowers are red.  REALLY STUNNING PLANT! 🙂  To create more of a flush, let it dry out quite a bit—the stress will brighten it up QUICKLY!   Water once a week—twice a week if your weather is 106°+ for more than 4 days at a time.  Try to keep from fertilizing this plant because the more nutrients it gets, the foliage will turn green.

This particular plant was an offshoot from a friend that took quite awhile to take off.  I had actually stopped checking up on it because it seemed when I was neurotically babying it, the worse it was doing (curled up leaves, blanching and floppy base)—this was probably due to overwatering.  I have a Hechtia Texensis that is looking pretty bad right now.  Perhaps I should ignore that plant, too, for awhile—see if it perks up with some neglect!!!

H. Rosea throwing up flower spike

Close-up of spike & immature buds

Update:  Here are some pictures of my Hechtia rosea in bloom as it looks this week (12/2/12)

Hechtia rosea blooming

Hechtia rosea blooming

red bloom spike of H. rosea

red bloom spike of H. rosea

Tiny flower of Hechtia rosea

Tiny flower of Hechtia rosea

  1. […] Hechtia Rosea « nixwickedgardenScientific Name: Hechtia rosea Ed. Morren ex Baker Synonym: Family: Bromeliaceae. Hechtia rosea at the Huntington Gardens in early July, Sun Exposure: Full … […]

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